41713 Olivia's Space Academy (Retired) (New Sealed) – Bricks and Minifigs Ontario

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41713 Olivia's Space Academy (Retired) (New Sealed)

41713 Olivia's Space Academy (Retired) (New Sealed)

Regular price $69.99 Sale

Send budding astronauts’ love of space stratospheric with Olivia’s Space Academy (41713). Kids aged 8+ join LEGO® Friends characters to train for space adventures. The set is packed with authentic features, from the thrusters on the Space Shuttle to the virtual-reality simulator. Beyond the play there’s more fun learning – all the imagery in the academy is scientifically correct and the classroom’s whiteboard features real spaceflight equations. Educational toy for curious kids Children who are into spaceship toys will love this LEGO Space Shuttle model. The payload bay opens via hinged doors, just like the real thing, and mini-dolls attach to the toy Canadarm to explore space. Back on Earth, there’s a telescope, a multi-axis trainer, mission control and a space gallery with a Sun, Earth and Moon orbiting model. Take building into another dimension This science toy comes with instructions for the digital age. The interactive guide lets kids zoom, rotate and view their model in3D as they build. 

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